Vince Andrade-Sales Social Practice Fund

Giving has always been part of Vince Sales’ life, thanks to his grandparents.

“My grandmother would take me to church, and I’d watch her give to the collection plate,” Vince Sales recalls. “She was a spiritual woman who believed in helping others, and she expected me to give as well.”

Needless to say, he has done that and more. Since opening the Vince Andrade-Sales
Social Practice Fund at the Foundation, Sales has directed grants to help Asian Pacific Islander (API) students, and other traditionally underrepresented students, pursue college degrees at Sacramento State. He has also made grants to Improve Your Tomorrow, Philippine National Day Association, Horizons Foundation, and two Foundation funds: the Sacramento Region Disaster Relief Fund and APIs RISE Fund.

The latter is a Fund he helped found in 2012 to increase the capacity and impact of
API philanthropic giving in the capital area; since then, APIs RISE has directed early $150,000 to nonprofits promoting API civic engagement and strengthening API leadership in the region.

“I believe in giving from a place of passion, in ways that align with your values,” Sales said. For him, that means giving to causes that advance a more just, fair, and equitable future.

Sales cares deeply about supporting Black and indigenous communities—and, to that end, he gives strategically to organizations that are run by leaders from those communities. “When we invest in organizations focused on communities of color, they can build their assets and achieve their missions. It’s about helping them build power through philanthropy,” he said.

Source: Sacramento Region Community Foundation