APIs RISE Fund Grant Opportunity

Application Opens: December 16, 2024

Application Closes: January 17, 2025 at 5:00 pm

About Us

Comprised of API (Asian and/or Pacific Islander) philanthropists and community leaders, the APIs RISE Fund aims to build and strengthen the next generation of API leadership for the capital region. 

Our mission is to increase the capacity and impact of API philanthropic giving in the Sacramento region. We advance their mission by cultivating and securing philanthropic resources and by engaging with local people to learn about the issues affecting the community. We use the charitable fund at the Sacramento Region Community Foundation to organize and facilitate our efforts. Since we established the APIs RISE Fund at the Sacramento Region Community Foundation in 2014, we have awarded over $200,000 to support mission-aligned work in our community.

Grant Criteria and Application

APIs RISE Fund will award grants of up to $10,000 to projects that focus on at least one of the following:

  • Multi-racial democracy, which can be done through:

    • Community empowerment and leadership development, specifically the representation of and how leaders make a difference in the AANHPI community;

    • Media literacy and capacity-building to increase the social media presence and visibility of movement journalism around the AANHPI community.

  • AANHPI mental health resources.

Applicants must provide:

  • A project description of how their organizations will advance one or more of the above focus areas.

  • Background information and examples of their organization’s experience in working with AANHPI populations.

  • Clarity around what makes the organization best suited to this work.

  • Budget and budget justification.

  • A brief report, no longer than one page, at the conclusion of the grant period or project if awarded.

  • Take place in El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, or Yolo counties.

To be eligible, the following must be met:

  • The applicant agency must serve Asian, Native Hawaiian, and/or Pacific Islander populations.

  • The applicant agency must have 501(c)3 status.

  • The funded project must service Sacramento and/or Yolo counties.

  • The requested grant cannot exceed $10,000 per organization.

  • The applicant agency has not been awarded APIs RISE Fund grants over two consecutive years, beginning from grants awarded in 2020.

  • Pacific Islander-led and -serving organizations are strongly encouraged to apply.

Please contact us for questions about the grant application submission system. For questions regarding eligibility requirements and criteria, email jasonmjong@gmail.com or vincesales@aol.com.

How to Apply

Proposals will only be accepted through the Sacramento Region Community Foundation’s online application. No email or paper applications will be accepted. 

Please ensure your organization’s legal name associated with your tax ID number and mailing address are current in your grant organization profile. If you are a fiscally sponsored organization, please make sure your fiscal sponsor name and tax ID number are current in your grant organizational profile.


Each properly completed application will be shared with the APIs RISE Fund membership who will vote for the project they would like to see funded and the projects with the most votes will be awarded. The Sacramento Region Community Foundation's Conflict of Interest Policy is used when grants are reviewed and any member of APIs RISE Fund who is employed by or on the board of any organization that is eligible for a grant must recuse themselves from voting.

Review information on our previous grants to see the types of projects we have funded.

Our grantmaking is done in partnership with the Sacramento Region Community Foundation.